Hello Gorgeous! Welcome to the Official Mary Kay Page. This page provides a place to discuss the Mary Kay brand, our ...
Hello Gorgeous! Welcome to the Official Mary Kay Page.

This page provides a place to discuss the Mary Kay brand, our family of products, breaking news, and other topics. We encourage you to leave comments, photos, videos, links and other material (“User Contributions”) here. However, we reserve the right to review all User Contributions and will remove any that are, among other things, inappropriate, offensive, and/or off-topic. Please note that User Contributions to the Mary Kay Inc.’s Facebook page do not necessarily reflect the views, values, opinions, or ideas of Mary Kay Inc., and Mary Kay Inc. is not responsible for any content found in User Contributions.
All User Contributions must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions for the Mary Kay Inc. Facebook page. Mary Kay Inc. expects that participants will not post any material that falls into the following categories and reserves the right to remove any User Contributions that:
• defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy or publicity) of others;
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For customer service inquiries please call 1-800-MARY-KAY.
If you are a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant and need assistance, log on to Mary Kay InTouch®.
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    Hello Gorgeous! Welcome to the Official Mary Kay Page.

    This page provides a place to discuss the Mary Kay brand, our family of products, breaking news, and other topics. We encourage you to leave comments, photos, videos, links and other material (“User Contributions”) here. However, we...
    Hello Gorgeous! Welcome to the Official Mary Kay Page.

    This page provides a place to discuss the Mary Kay brand, our family of products, breaking news, and other topics. We encourage you to leave comments, photos, videos, links and other material (“User Contributions”) here. However, we reserve the right to review all User Contributions and will remove any that are, among other things, inappropriate, offensive, and/or off-topic. Please note that User Contributions to the Mary Kay Inc.’s Facebook page do not necessarily reflect the views, values, opinions, or ideas of Mary Kay Inc., and Mary Kay Inc. is not responsible for any content found in User Contributions.
    All User Contributions must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions for the Mary Kay Inc. Facebook page. Mary Kay Inc. expects that participants will not post any material that falls into the following categories and reserves the right to remove any User Contributions that:
    • defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy or publicity) of others;
    • use hateful language targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or political beliefs;
    • publish, post, distribute, or disseminate any defamatory, offensive, obscene, indecent, or unlawful material or are otherwise deemed inappropriate or off-topic;
    • upload or attach any files that contain viruses or other similar programs that may damage another user’s computer;
    • upload material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity) unless the contributor owns or controls the rights thereto or receives all necessary consents;
    • delete any author attributions, legal notices, or proprietary designations in any file that is uploaded.
    For customer service inquiries please call 1-800-MARY-KAY.
    If you are a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant and need assistance, log on to Mary Kay InTouch®.
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