Here at Beetlez Bazaar we take customer support seriously! So, in the unfortunate event you have a problem with our site or one of our products / services please reach out to our support team using the form below. All requests are answered in the order they are received. *Please allow up to 24hrs to receive a reply, however most requests are answered much faster! Thank you and we appreciate your business!

  Monday, 14 November 2022
  0 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Over the weekend an update crashed the Square checkout system unfortunately and orders were unable to be processed. The issue was resolved quickly however now checkout has changed a bit and opens in a new window.

Please be patient as we try to make the check out process more user friendly.

Thank you
set the post as Critical priority — 2 years ago
set the type of the post as  Issue — 2 years ago
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